Meskwaki Natural Resources Department

“Restoring and protecting opportunities for the current and future generations”

…mandated to protect, preserve and/or restore the natural and environmental resources of the Sac and Fox Tribe in the Mississippi in Iowa.

Featured Environmental Projects

Forest Inventory

Bat Survey

Air Quality Monitoring

Water Baseline

Branches of the MNR Department


Forestry, grassland, fire, and agriculture are broad programs that comprise the land management aspect of MNR.


Wildlife management is based on a species by species case, including data collection and population monitoring, disease management, and population management.


The Meskwaki Buffalo Herd is composed of around 45-55 buffalo on approximately 205 acres of mixed pasture and forested areas that is classified as the Meskwaki Settlement-Buffalo Refuge Area.


As responsible stewards of the Meskwaki Tribe, the Environmental Branch helps maintain, restore, and care for Tribal water resources and protects air quality through monitoring, emissions inventory, and testing.

About Our Department

MNR is responsible for the management, protection, and conservation of the forests, fish, wildlife, energy, environment, land, water, and all other natural resources of the Tribe.

What does MNR do?

MNR has been working to focus on outreach and community awareness since 2016. We are always open to talk in person or by phone about ongoing efforts and would love to discuss community needs. Please review all of the information and projects on our new update for further background, and don’t hesitate to reach out.

How many buffalo do we have?

It depends on the year and time of year, but typically MNR over winters 45-55 buffalo and have roughly 10-14 calves every year. Currently, the Meskwaki Buffalo Refuge is at capacity to ensure the quality of pasture does not dwindle due to overgrazing.

Can I have buffalo meat/ Can I have buffalo parts?

Any enrolled member qualifies to attend the scheduled meat distributions hosted by MNR. These distributions are announced through Facebook and the Tribal website. Specialty meats such as organs along with non-edible parts such as hides and skulls are available upon request and it is allocated on a first-come, first-served basis to enrolled members.

I have a grass area that I need burnt, can you do that for me?

MNR strives to assist as many residents as possible for prescribed burning requests. Please fill out a request info form (linked under resources) and your location will be added to our list. Please note that all areas are dependent upon weather and safety concerns (i.e. we won’t burn an area with broken down vehicles, garbage, no mowed lines, etc).

Can I hunt on Tribal ground?

Tribal codes indicate that only enrolled members are allowed to hunt on Tribal ground. Transportation tags are available upon request at the MNR office or by contacting Conservation Officer Caleb Boyles at (641) 484-4844 or by email at [email protected].

I have a nuisance animal in my yard, can you help?

Contact Conservation Officer Caleb Boyles for assistance by phone (641) 484-4844 or by email at [email protected]. If you believe there is a health/disease concern with deer specifically, please contact our office to determine if there is a need for testing.

Contact the MNR Department

Phone Number

(641) 484-3511

Fax Number

(641) 484-3614

Physical & Mailing Address

1826 340th Street
Tama, IA 52339

Connect With Us on Social Media

Upcoming Events

[tribe_events view="list" category="natural-resources" tribe-bar="false" events_per_page="5"]

Recent News

MNR Department Staff

Delbert Davenport

Equipment Operator

Natural Resources

Charles Finzen

Equipment Operator

Natural Resources

Joan Flecksing

Natural Resources Director

Natural Resources

[email protected]

Zane OldBear

Conservation Aide

Natural Resources

David Rolfes

Environmental Specialist

Natural Resources

Leland Searles

Senior Environmental Specialist

Natural Resources

[email protected]

Mike Umbdenstock

Equipment Operator

Natural Resources

Contact the Meskwaki Nation

Get in touch with our main office if you have general questions or need assistance finding the correct department to contact.